Friday, December 28, 2012


Yield: 2 dozen medium, or 18 large
She's "high maintenance", but a treasure and worth a lot if you treat her right. *see HINTS.  2 dozen is hardly worth the trouble.  I always double this and give them away or freeze them in the pan, covered with foil. Defrost ahead of time and heat up with foil on top in 325 degree oven. WARNING:  Keep this dough warm at all times; it's finicky!  Place in warm place to rise, and place newly cut rolls on warmed jelly roll pans to warm in another warm place. Let them rise according to their course, even if it takes longer than an hour in their pans.  Don't bake until they are fully risen.

5 teaspoons instant yeast (i.e.SAF)
½ cup warm water
2 cups milk, scalded
½ cup shortening
7 cups flour
1 cup sugar
2 teaspoons salt
1 cup potatoes, mashed (or equivalent flake potatoes with liquid, etc)Real mashed potatoes for best results!
2 eggs at room temperature, slightly beaten *hint: eggs can be defrosted in microwave for one minute
raisins, optional
nuts, optional

butter, melted

In glass bowl, heat water, milk and shortening in microwave until scalded and shortening is melted, (about 4 minutes).   Beat eggs in medium bowl; add mashed potatoes (or equivalent).  In large bowl, whisk together HALF the flour, 1 cup sugar, 2 tsp salt and dry yeast . Pour warm liquids into the flour mixture, then add beaten eggs and mashed potatoes. Mix together thoroughly. Stir in the rest of the flour 1-2 cups at a time, adding a little more if necessary to make the dough into a soft ball.  Dough should be formed, not sticky to the touchbut not elastic like bread dough.  Stir with a sturdy wooden spoon, (two hands if necessary; develop your muscles!) until the spoon can snap off the dough with little or no dough sticking to it. You can also use a bread mixer, making sure the dough comes out as above.
This dough requires a warm place to rise.  Turn on oven to 350 for 1-2 minutes; turn off.  Put a moist tea-towel over dough and place in oven.  Let rise til double, about 45 minutes.
             Remove from bowl onto a slightly floured surface.  Divide dough in two, (into four, if doubling).   Before rolling, pat the mound into a rectangle shape. Roll dough to 1/4 inch thick rectangle.  Shrink the dough slightly by sliding your hands under it and giving it a gentle flip.  Brush with melted butter.  Sprinkle with 1/4 cup sugar and generously with cinnamon;  nuts or raisins and fruit if desired.  Starting with long side, roll up jellyroll style, keeping the roll tight. Even the roll out with both hands and pinch edges closed.  Cut into 1-1/2 to 2 inch slices.  A 2 inch roll makes quite a large roll, about 12 per pan.  I like the 1 1/2 roll, as it is more reasonable to eat, and I arrange them 15 per pan. Warm the jelly-roll pan briefly in the oven. (The dough is supper sensitive to cold!) Place on greased jellyroll pan and then to a warm area again to let rise until double (1/2 hour to 1 hour usually). Bake at 350 for 13-15 minutes until golden brown.  Cool at least 10 minutes before frosting.

 *Use only high quality “high gluten” flour, or flour that is “better for bread.". For years I have bought my "High -gluten flour" at the Bosch Kitchen Center on Orem Center Street; I love this flour, but it's a little pricey. I have found I really like Lehi Roller Mills flour- IF- it is fresh.
 *Use yeast that isn’t old and doesn’t have an after taste.  I like SAF.  If you don't have instant yeast, "proof" your yeast first in the 1/2 cup of warm water, adding a teaspoon of sugar.
 * Use Crisco brand for the shortening, and always * real butter.
 *Put jelly roll pans in the oven to warm before placing the cut rolls on them. 

½  cup butter
1 cup milk, divided
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 lbs. powdered sugar
Cream cheese, optional

 This makes enough frosting for a double batch.  Scald 1/2 cup milk and 1/2 cup butter and boil together 1 minute.  Pour in 2 lbs powdered sugar and beat until smooth.  Add vanilla flavoring to taste.  For thinner frosting, add up to 1/2 cup more milk, one tablespoon at a time, to desired consistency.  May make a cream cheese frosting by beating 8 oz. cream cheese before adding the last 1/2 cup of milk. Spoon onto warm, not hot, or completely cooled cinnamon rolls. 


 Daughter Jayni:
     If there ever was a moment to boast about my mother's cooking, this would be it.  My mother's cinnamon rolls are FAMOUS.  For years I just thought that cinnamon rolls were always fabulous, until I tasted one from somewhere else.  In my younger years, I sold cinnamon rolls on Saturday mornings on the corner of our street.  I wasn't out there for very long, because 6-8 dozen cinnamon rolls would sell FAST.  My mother would receive calls requesting orders for cinnamon rolls.  At one point, my mother started a home bakery, where she overloaded herself with cinnamon rolls.  Pretty soon the kitchen became too small, and my mother too tired.  From then on, only a few close friends and family placed orders.  There isn't a time that I mention my mother's cinnamon rolls that I don't hear someone say:  "Those are the BEST rolls I have ever tasted!"

1 comment:

  1. So happy to find this!! I couldn't find my copy of your recipe!! Making these for early morning seminary kids tomorrow am!
